studio sound

RECORDINGup to 4h1up to 5h1over 5h1
studio time22800 CZK+ 500 CZK700 CZK/h
vocal recording33000 CZK+ 500 CZK700 CZK/h
other recording4askaskask
vocal for a song55800 CZK+ 1000 CZK1400 CZK/h
MIXINGup to 4h1up to 5h1over 5h1
studio time21800 CZK+ 500 CZK700 CZK/h
online mixing3000 CZK+ 700 CZK1000 CZK/h
attended mixing4000 CZK+ 1000 CZK1500 CZK/h
mix of an album6askaskask
mix of 1 song74800 CZK+ 1200 CZKask
review of the mix before masteringfree of charge
mastering 1 song after my mixing+ 1400 CZK
mastering 1 song from a stereo mix2600 CZK
mastering 1 song from up to 4 stems4600 CZK8
mastering 1 song from more stemsask8
Spotify, Youtubefree of charge
instrumental version9+ 500 CZK
extended version / edit9+ 1000 CZK
CD export as DDP file10+ 2000 CZK
VINYL optimized export10+ 3600 CZK
more information

1 Studio session equals 4 hours of time including preparation. Session can be extended by one or two hours. One day in a studio contains two sessions. Multiple studio sessions are usually needed when producing vocals, mixing classical music or when mixing sound for a video. Studio days longer than 10h usually lack attention span and bring diminished returns.

2 Studio time includes the rent of an adequately equipped mixing room. In case of vocal recording3 it also includes the rent of a professional recording microphone.

3 Vocal recording includes preparation and setup of recording equipment, comfortable headphone cue mix, edit and the finalisation of vocal tracks for mixing. This price is applicable when working in a studio of your choice.

4 Other recording is any larger studio recording, on location recording or recording of a live show. The price for this work can be estimated after the communication about your project’s needs.

5 Vocal for a song contains one session in our studio, rent of a professional recording microphone and the price for 4 hours of online mixing.

6 Mixing of an album is a complex work on a sound piece. The price for this work can be estimated after communication about your project’s needs.

7 Mix of 1 song contains one session in our studio and the price for 4 hours of online mixing.

8 Mastering from stems helps achieving precisely balanced results without affecting the creative mixing decisions. More information on stem mastering and stem delivery.

9 These fees are charged per song.

10 These fees are charged per album.

not sure?

When in doubt as where to put your project, feel free to ask!